For more fraud protection options, take a look at our new Fraud Alerts that we have setup to automatically alert our RCB Bank debit card holders of suspicious transactions.
If you receive a call from RCB Bank requesting information of any kind, hang up and call your local branch or another verified RCB Bank phone number.
Card Management Tools
Card Management Tool
Determine rules for your debit card within Online Banking and the Mobile Banking App.
Login to your Online Banking or Mobile Banking App to take a look!
- Card Status – turn your card off and on at your fingertips to protect against fraud.
- Travel Alerts – let us know when you’re traveling.
- In-Depth Security Settings – determine when you want your card to automatically decline certain transaction types.
- My Notify Alerts – Customer-Defined Alerts – define which transaction alerts you’d like to receive.
- Amount over limit alert
- Card not present
- Foreign transaction
- These alerts will come from:
- Text: 47334
- Email: [email protected]
- Spend Settings – set a new, lower daily limit for your debit card to protect against large fraudulent transactions.
The following instructions and screenshots are specific to RCB Bank Mobile Banking App. The steps can be similarly followed within Online Banking.
1. Click the Menu button.
2. Click the Card Services tab.
3. Click on the Card Management tab.
4. Click Manage this Card on the RCB Bank debit card that you’d like to review the card settings on.