It’s Tax Fraud Season. Be Aware.

Woman alarmed by phone call

Don’t be another victim.

Thousands of people have lost millions of dollars and their personal information to fake IRS communication scams, according to the IRS. Here are important reminders from the IRS about tax fraud.

​Two most important things to know about the IRS.

  1. The IRS DOES NOT initiate contact by email, text messages or social media with taxpayers to request personal or financial information.
  2. The IRS does not threaten taxpayers with lawsuits, imprisonment or other enforcement action. The IRS also cannot revoke your driver’s license, business licenses or immigration status. Threats like these are common tactics scam artists use to trick victims into buying into their schemes.

​Telltale signs of tax fraud.

​IRS-impersonation telephone scams

You are told you owe money to the IRS and it must be paid promptly through a pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. Victims may be threatened with arrest, deportation or suspension of a business or driver’s license. You may also be told you have a refund owed to you and the caller needs personal information in order to process the refund. If you don’t answer the phone, they may leave an urgent callback message.

Scams targeting tax professionals: The objective is to steal their clients’ data so they can file fraudulent tax returns that better impersonate their victims.

​Email, phishing and malware schemes

You receive an official-looking email from the IRS or others in the tax industry, including tax software companies. Their name and logo appear on it. These phishing schemes may seek information related to refunds, filing status, confirming personal information, ordering transcripts and verifying PIN information.

Be alert to bogus emails that appear to come from your tax professional, requesting information for an IRS form. The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages or social media channels to request personal or financial information, nor do they require life insurance and annuity updates from taxpayers or a tax professional.

​Taxpayer Advocacy Panel scams

Some taxpayers may receive emails that appear to be from the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) about a tax refund. These emails are a phishing scam, where unsolicited emails try to trick victims into providing personal and financial information. Do not respond or click any link.

What to do? 

The IRS will only deal with you on these related issues via US mail. 
If you get a call, hang-up and contact the IRS directly.

  • Never respond to an email or fax.
  • Never call the number listed in the email or provided to you by phone.
  • Go directly to the IRS website at for assistance.
  • Read up on IRS Tax Scams Consumer Alerts.

 Ask for Details. Member FDIC.


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You Are At Risk!

Fraudsters Target Small Businesses.

Business Fraud Solutions.

By Stacy Dunn | RCB Bank Information Security

Information is as good as gold.

If you think your business is too small to be a victim of data loss, think again. Cybercriminals find small to medium-sized businesses to be more accessible targets.

While physical securities are a concern (leaving documents lying around or not shredding personal paperwork), the majority of incidents tend to be more hands off.

Hackers like to infiltrate businesses with social engineering tactics:

  • Phishing & vishing
  • Customer account compromise
  • Vendor management intrusion

The National Institute of Standards and Technology offers a framework to help businesses protect their work spaces. Each business has unique risks and will require tailored security measures.

Preventive measures:

  • Limit employee access to sensitive data.
  • Use strong passwords that expire.
  • Use multi-factor authentication.
  • Train staff on information security.
  • Reduce risk with effective policies and procedures.
  • Encrypt all data, especially email and mobile devices.
  • Use reliable endpoint protection, firewall and email filtering.
  • Update and patch systems regularly.
  • Protect all facets of your business, e.g., websites and vendor access.

Your network is only as strong as your weakest user.

Hackers are one step ahead in trying to steal information. Take steps to not become their next victim.

Information security training is a must-have in today’s environment.

Invite RCB Bank’s Information Technology and Business Services teams to speak about cybersecurity at your workplace. Call 918-342-7379 to schedule an appointment, or connect with our business services representative in your area.

Invest in your business.


This article is published in Value News, February 2019 Issue,

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. See a business representative for specific questions regarding PosPay details, pricing and fees for your personal situation. Call us at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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PosPay: A Proactive Approach to Business Check Fraud

Frontline Defense: PosPay

Payments fraud is at an all-time high with check fraud as the most popular form of attack.* PosPay is your frontline defense.

Anticipate Fraud.

“Dealing with fraud is a painful process,” said Aaron Latsos, owner of Smokie’s BBQ in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma who has firsthand experience with check fraud.

Latsos is diligent and reviews his accounts daily, which is why he noticed the suspicious charges. They appeared to be duplicate charges from stores he regularly shops, except the charges were out-of-state. Someone had his business account number and was making counterfeit checks.

Now the pain. When fraud occurs, you have to shut down your account. Open a new one and re-establish all your automatic payments, payroll and direct deposits.

“Not to mention the hassle of filing paperwork with the proper authorities in an effort to recover lost funds,” Latsos said. “Never again.”

Implement Safeguards.

Latsos now protects his account with Positive Pay (PosPay), a valuable tool that authenticates payments before processing.

He writes checks, enters the data and PosPay verifies payments. If there are inconsistencies, he receives an email to accept or decline the transaction.

Aaron Latsos and Eddie Curran standing outside Smokie's BBQ
Smokie's Owner Aaron Latsos and Eddie Curran.

“Picture your checking account as a party and PosPay is the bouncer,” said Eddie Curran, Treasury Services Sales Manager at RCB Bank. “As guests (payments) arrive, they are checked against the guest list you provided to PosPay. If they match your information, they get in. If not, they are temporarily denied access until you give permission.”

Win The Fight.

PosPay can cover both paper items (checks) and electronic transactions (ACH debits, credits).
With PosPay, Aaron Latsos has stopped multiple fraud attempts while enjoying added benefits.

PosPay Benefits

Control. You approve what runs through your account.

Peace of mind. PosPay is watching your back.

Simplicity. It’s easy to use and takes much less time than having to deal with a fraud incident.

Affordable. PosPay potentially pays for itself on the first fraud prevention.

Talk to your bank to learn more about PosPay and other tools to protect your business.

Our lenders and business services representatives are happy to answer your questions, even if you are not an RCB Bank customer. Connect with a lender and/or treasury services representative in your area.

*2018 AFP Payments Fraud Survey,
This article is published in Value News, January 2019 Issue,
Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. See a treasury representative for specific questions regarding PosPay details, pricing and fees for your personal situation. Call us at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender. RCB Bank NMLS #798151. Ask for Details. Member FDIC.
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Email Extortion Scam Hitting Business Inboxes

Be aware of current bomb threat hoax


By Stacy Dunn, Information Security, RCB Bank

A new email extortion scam (bomb threat hoax) is making its way to the inboxes of several businesses, namely financial institutions. Narrated similarly to a scene in an action movie, the sender suggests an accomplice has planted a bomb within the recipient’s building that will be detonated if a bitcoin ransom is not paid by the end of the workday.

The sender discourages the recipient to contact the authorities and the subject line may read, “I advise you not to call the police.”

The message states:

extortion scam example


Notably, the businesses that have received this message proved to be safe after investigation, though numerous schools closed as a precaution.

Scammers strive on the human element of uncertainty and use whatever methods possible to get what they want.

Extortion emails, ransomware attacks, phishing attempts and various other methods of social engineering are all key parts of a hacker’s repertoire. Recognizing and detecting these instances are imperative to maintaining a safe, secure work environment.

If you receive an email similar to the one detailed above, contact your information security team immediately.

Interested in similar articles? Read this article about wire fraud.

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Low Cost, Big Heart Gift Ideas

Get$Fit Tip: Stress less.

The art of giving

By Jocelyn Wood, RCB Bank

I stress over gift-giving.

I never know what to give people. I’m embarrassed when I can’t afford their wish list.

Holidays are a time for gratitude and fellowship. Gifts are to be an expression of joy and generosity, not a stress inducer. Definitely not a debt instigator.

If you fret over gift-giving, try one of these no stress, pay less ideas that won’t break your budget.

Low cost, big heart gift ideas:

“We give memories,” said Michelle Duhaime, Lawrence. “I bought 20 cans of silly string. I gave each grandchild two cans; told them Grampa was hiding somewhere on the property; and to go find him! Best $20 I have ever spent!”

“I follow a four-gift rule for my kids,” said Melissa Welchel, Oklahoma City. “Buy something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.”

“For families, we do group gifts, board games, homemade gift baskets, rather than buying for each individual,” said Welchel.

“I help someone with a project they’re working on,” said Kim James, Verdigris. “It means more than buying something they may not need or want.”

“We restrict ourselves to one store bought gift and we set a price limit,” said Stephen Taylor, Tulsa. “For friends, we make homemade goodies or gifts. People are happy getting it, and we don’t spend time agonizing over whether someone will like their gift.”

“We give money to our pastor to give to someone who could use extra help,” said Tara Depperschmidt, Stillwater. “We don’t want to know who it goes to; just that it goes to someone who really needs it.”

Invest in yourself.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.


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How to avoid delays in your mortgage process

Get$Fit Tip: Limit financial changes

Proceed with caution Mortgage Matters

Obtaining a mortgage requires a lot of documentation, multiple forms, financial records, third-party paperwork; not to mention multiple layers of inspection to verify your information is accurate. Financial changes during your loan process can invalidate paperwork and delay your loan closing. Here are four ways to avoid delays in the loan process.

No. 1: Inform lender of a job change ASAP.

You submit pay stubs and W2’s to your lender, but, right before closing, your lender may request employment verification from your employer. If your job or income status changes, this can potentially create a holdup in the loan process; or worse, your loan may be denied, even if you were pre-approved. A job change requires updated documentation and approval verification. Some jobs have a probationary period, which too may affect your loan approval process. If you are planning a job change, let your lender know as early as possible as this can also help you avoid delays.

No. 2: Resist increasing debt.

A few days before closing, your lender runs a final credit check to check for new debt. If you open a new credit card, finance new appliances or furniture, buy a car, co-sign on another loan or take on more debt, new documentation is required. Resist the urge to make big purchases during your loan process. New debt may affect your loan qualification.

No. 3: Avoid big financial changes.

Most lenders require up to two months of bank statements for proof of funds used for your home transaction. Changing banks during your loan process may cause a delay in obtaining the necessary statements. Moreover, any large deposits made into your account need explanation. Most loans will allow a gift, but these funds require additional documentation signed by you and the person making the gift.

No. 4: Keep credit card balances low.

A large portion of your credit score reflects your credit utilization. Keeping credit card balances under 20 percent of your available balance helps your credit score. When it comes to your mortgage, your credit score helps determine both your interest rate and mortgage insurance (if required). A higher credit score helps you qualify for better rates, saving you money over the life of your loan.

Before you make major financial changes, talk to your lender first. This will help you avoid delays or setbacks during your mortgage process.

We are here to help even if you’re not an RCB Bank customer. Connect with a local RCB Bank lender to get answers to your lending questions.

Invest in yourself.

This article is published in Value News, November 2018 Issue,
Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of RCB Bank personnel and meant for generic illustration purposes only. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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Fraudsters are targeting ATMs with sneaky tactics

What you need to know about card fraud, skimmers, ATMs & more.

ATM on a wall

By Jamie Andrews, SVP, Senior Operations Officer, RCB Bank

In a recent trend, fraudsters are focusing their attention on ATM terminals. Be aware.

Fraudsters are able to compromise a merchant’s payment system or ATM by use of malware or by attaching a physical device, such as a skimmer, which reads the data in the magnetic stripe and can be used to produce a fake card.

Fraudsters may also use mini cameras to capture PIN numbers used on transactions at ATM terminals. Then, they go on shopping sprees and/or withdraw funds from the bank account attached to those cards.

What is a skimmer?

A device made to fit snugly and invisibly over or inside an ATM card slot or merchant terminal.

How does RCB Bank protect you?

RCB Bank issues EMV chip cards, making it more difficult for fraudsters to counterfeit your debit card. When possible insert your card to complete your transaction.

Some merchants do not have EMV chip terminals and require you to swipe or slide your card. Be more alert when using these types of terminals with the tips below.

RCB Bank uses systems to monitor unusual card activity and will reach out if we see something suspicious. Note: We will never ask you for your PIN number. 

RCB Bank’s ATMs have been upgraded to EMV chip terminals, which provide an additional level of security.

How can you help protect yourself?

  • Before using your card at an ATM, inspect it to see if anything on the card insert looks suspicious.
  • Be aware and report the transaction if it initially errors but then suddenly goes through.
  • Be alert if the insert or swipe of  your card is not smooth.
  • Avoid standalone cash machines in dimly lit areas.
  • When possible use ATMs physically installed at a bank.
  • Cover the PIN pad with your hand when entering your information.

RCB Bank is dedicated to protecting your financial information. When we work together, we can prevent, identify and resolve fraud faster.

If you suspect fraudulent activity, contact our fraud department immediately at 877.361.0814.

Learn more ways to stay alert for fraud in our Learning Center and Security Center.

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Ways to save at closing

Get$Fit Tip: Compare lender fees for better savings.

Woman dreaming about house holding piggy bank.

Did you know closing costs vary between lenders? If you want to save the most money on your closing costs, it pays to shop around. Here’s why.

Interest rates are restricted by market conditions. Your options are limited.

Buyers often shop interest rates, choosing the lowest rate possible to help their overall savings over the life of the loan. Yet, rates change daily, sometimes more than once per day depending on different economic factors.

When comparing lenders’ rates for secondary market financing, all lenders base their rates off the same market trading; therefore, all quotes should be similar, typically within .125 percent, .250 percent at most.

Lender fees vary from lender to lender giving you more options to lower your costs.

Lender origination charges, application fees, processing and underwriting fees can vary significantly between lenders. The best way to compare lenders is to request Loan Estimates. Their fees will be listed under Closing Cost Details on page 2, section A.

You can also cut costs by comparing homeowner’s insurance coverage and premiums.

Oftentimes, the largest expense on your Closing Disclosure is homeowner’s insurance, another expense that varies between companies.

Generally, you will need 14 months of homeowner’s insurance set aside in your escrow account paid at closing. If you choose a policy that charges $1,800 annually versus a $2,500 annual policy, you can save $800 at closing.

Know where your money is going.

Ask your lender plenty of questions. A good lender can answer all your questions and make you feel comfortable about your spending decisions. Buying a house is one of the most expensive things you will buy. Why spend more than you have to?

Talk to a lender to explore your options. Lenders at RCB Bank are happy to help answer questions even if you are not a customer. Give us a call or visit our online Mortgage Center.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of RCB Bank personnel and meant for generic illustration purposes only. With approved credit. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB. Some restrictions apply. RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151. 
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Best Financial Advice

Get$Fit Tip: Sweat the small stuff.

Wise Monday Advice

There is a saying that wisdom comes from listening to advice, so I asked bankers to share the best money advice they have received and the impact it has made in their lives.

No. 1: Pay attention to your small expenses.

“Spend more time thinking about $20 decisions rather than $20,000 decisions,” shares Gregg Conklin, RCB Bank lender. “You’ll make $5, $10, $20 decisions daily. These add up. Learn to be wise in how you spend and save $20, so as you build wealth, you’ll be wise in how you spend and save $20,000.”

“I received this advice from a man who immigrated to the U.S. from Holland in the 1950s,” Conklin says. “He left Holland with $20 in his pocket and taught himself English by watching Saturday matinees. He eventually owned thousands of acres of ranch land, raising cattle in Kansas.”

No. 2: Invest in your future.

“Pay your obligations first, invest in your future second, indulge in non-essentials last,” shares Emily Dake, RCB Bank loan document specialist. “My grandparents taught me to see money as a tool that could guarantee future comfort. If I buy something, I want to walk away having gained something permanent such as knowledge, an experience or an asset.”

No. 3: Build an emergency fund.

“Build up a savings to cover at least three months worth of bills,” says Jessica Hamman, RCB Bank eServices. “After having ER surgery, I was without a paycheck. No savings and no paycheck can quickly put you behind on bills. It took three times as long to get caught up as it did to get behind.”

No. 4: Learn Rule 72.

Rule 72 will help you better understand the power of compounding interest over time,” shares Brad Ward, RCB Bank lender. “Take the number 72 and divide it by the annual rate of interest that your money is earning to determine the number of years it will take for your money to roughly double.”

No. 5: Pay yourself like a bill.

“Put money into a savings account directly from your paycheck so you don’t have time to spend it,” says Kim Harrison, RCB Bank loan assistant. “Since I started doing this I have been able to steadily save, and I was able to use part of it to buy my first house this year.”

No: 6: Start young.

“Early in my career, I was told about the value of saving now for retirement later,” says Jenna Louderback, vice president, eServices. “Putting that advice to work at a young age has paid off as I have watched my investments grow immensely over the years. Starting as early as possible has put me ahead of the game for my retirement plans.”

Invest in yourself.
You’re future self will thank you.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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Financing options for new home construction

Get$Fit Tip: Plan short-term and long-term financing before you build.

home under constrcution

When it comes to financing the construction of a new home, you have two options.

1. Let a builder finance construction.

Common with larger building companies. The builder may ask you to put down a deposit while the company carries the cost of the construction. You get to choose floor plans, paint colors, fixtures and so on.

When construction is complete, you will obtain a typical mortgage, as if you purchased an existing home. Construction costs are built into the purchase price.

2. You finance construction.

Typical with smaller building companies or individual builders. You may choose to the carry the construction loan yourself. This type of financing is usually offered only at your local or regional banks and credit unions.

Your lender will determine the value of your home during your loan application by ordering an appraisal on the building and design specs.

Construction loans are short-term loans, generally 12-18 months. Costs vary by lender, so do your homework.

The majority of lenders will finance up to 80 percent of the property’s value.

Once approved, your loan is a closed line of credit. You can withdraw from the account as certain construction stages are completed. For example, after you acquire the land, you will need to pay for dirt work, then the foundation, the framework and so on.

Your lender will likely prepare a payment plan – a draw schedule – to guide the disbursement of funds through each stage. Periodically, the bank will send someone to check on the progress and verify draw schedule and budget.

Plan before you build.

Cost overruns

There will always be cost overruns or change orders. You may decide to add a larger patio or extra lighting. These items seem small individually, but they add up quickly. When planning your budget, conservatively allow for a 10 percent overage.

Variable monthly payments

Construction loans are short-term loans with adjustable interest rates. Think of it like a credit card payment. You pay the interest each month on the amount you borrowed. Prepare for payment fluctuation.

Permanent financing

Make sure you are qualified for permanent financing before taking out a construction loan. Some lenders may do construction loans but not permanent mortgages. Others do both.

Get pre-qualified for your permanent mortgage before you build.

Make certain you are pre-qualified for long-term financing before you build to avoid a potential financing nightmare when your new home construction is complete.

Talk to a lender to explore your options. Lenders at RCB Bank are happy to help answer questions even if you are not a customer. Give us a call or visit our online Mortgage Center.

Invest in yourself.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of RCB Bank personnel and meant for generic illustration purposes only. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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GAP – Payment Protection for Life’s Unexpected Moments

Learn About GAP

Protect your assets.

By Brent Carroll, RCB Bank Lending

New cars can quickly depreciate in value causing your auto insurance to pay less than what you owe on your car loan. What happens when an accident totals your car? Who pays the difference between the insurance settlement and your outstanding loan balance? You do. Or, maybe not.

Get$Fit Tip: Protect your assets.

It may be worth buying Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) coverage to help you avoid the risk of negative equity and having to continue making principal payments after a total loss. Depending on your loan term, GAP adds on average an estimated $7-$111 to your monthly loan payment, but it potentially could save you thousands of dollars in the event of loss.

After insurance settles, GAP will pay off your remaining loan balance2, including up to $1,000 of your car insurance deductible.


When GAP may benefit you:

• You make a small or no down payment on a new car
• You agree to a loan term longer than 48 months

Talk to a lender for details to see if GAP is right for you.

Our lenders are happy to answer your questions, even if you are not an RCB Bank customer. Connect with a lender in your area.

Invest in yourself.

1GAP insurance costs varies between lenders and loan terms. See your lender for specific questions regarding your personal loan qualifications and overall costs. 2GAP Insurance covers the residual value of the loan as of the date of loss. Ancillary products can be purchased at an additional cost, which vary based on loan terms. Qualifications and restrictions apply. Above example is for generic illustration purposes only, based on 700 credit score. Does not factor in down payments, additional fees or other costs. Subject to credit approval. Rates are accurate as of June 15, 2018, and subject to change without notice. Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender, RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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Travel Planning Tips to Prevent Fraud

Don't forget to add fraud protection to your packing list

Travel planning tips to prevent fraud
By Jocelyn Wood, RCB Bank Marketing

1. Bring only what you need.

When planning your next vacation, pack a lighter wallet, suggests RCB Bank Vice President, Security Officer Christy Wild.

“Bring only the amount of cash you will need and maybe one credit card.”

2. Leave your debit card at home.

“Especially if you are traveling internationally,” says Wild. “Debit cards tie directly to your bank account. If fraudulent charges are made, it is possible money may be taken out of your account that day.”

If debit card fraud goes unnoticed for a number of days, thieves may deplete your funds. Credit card fraud is not an immediate financial impact on you.

Under the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA), federal law limits your liability for unauthorized charges, but your protection depends on the type of card and when you report the loss.

After you report fraud, your bank has to investigate and process your claim, which takes time. Rules pertaining to refund timeframes vary between types of fraud. Ask your bank for details.

3. Keep an eye on your account.

“From the time your card leaves your wallet until the time it returns, it is technically at risk,” Wild says. “It is crucial to monitor your accounts.”

Proper monitoring will help you find discrepancies.

Early detection and fast action to alert your credit card company and bank is the key to protecting your money.

Many credit card companies and banks offer text banking. This is a great fraud detection tool as you can set up transaction alerts.

Set an alert to notify you each time a transaction occurs on your account. This will help you spot charges you did not initiate. Text banking message, data rates and fees may apply.

You can also download your bank’s mobile banking app. This is another good tool that allows you to scan your accounts anytime from practically anywhere.

“Do not log in to your account on a public Wi-Fi network,” Wild says. “Fraudsters hack public networks and can watch you from the shadows.”

4. Tell your bank when and where you are going.

Before you hit the road, notify your bank and tell them your travel plans.

“It’s added protection,” Wild says. “It alerts them to keep a closer eye on your account. Plus, it helps to make sure they don’t decline your card when you are making purchases in another state, which to a bank may look like suspicious activity.”

Invest in yourself.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Member FDIC.
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Guide to defining your second home

Vacation home

When it comes to buying a second home, understanding how to define the property will help you better understand your mortgage options.

Let’s go over the basic home types defined by Fannie Mae.

Principle Residence, a property the borrower occupies as his or her primary residence.

Second Home, a property that must be occupied by the borrower for some part of the year, restricted to residences suitable for year-round occupancy. Borrower must have exclusive control of the property, must not be rental property or timeshare, and cannot be subject to any agreements that give management firm control over the occupancy of the property.

Investment Property, a property owned but not occupied by the borrower.

The property types seem straightforward, but here are a couple examples of when it gets tricky.

College homes

Many parents planning to purchase a home for their kids while they attend college will often apply for a second home mortgage.

If a home is considered as someone’s primary residence, regardless if that person (or student) is obligated or not on the loan, the home cannot be someone else’s secondary. In this case, the college home is an investment property.

Vacation homes

Another area of confusion are timeshares or homes managed by a management group, e.g., rental company. Most often, these do not qualify for conventional financing.

Your vacation home may qualify as a second home if it is in your full control and not generating income.
Remember, second homes are a second residence for the borrower to enjoy or use when not occupying their primary residence.

If you plan to rent the property while you are not using it, it may not qualify as a second home.

If you’re planning to purchase a vacation home or second property speak to a lender before you start the mortgage process.

The more you know about your loan options and your individual qualifications, the more satisfying your homebuying experience is.

Lenders at RCB Bank are happy to help answer questions even if you are not a customer. Give us a call or visit our online Mortgage Center.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only.  RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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A Caution About Wire Fraud

Six signs you are a target for wire fraud

Caution: It is a scam

By RCB Bank Fraud Department, 877.361.0814

Wiring money is a way to send and receive money fast. It’s also a prime target for fraud.

Wire fraud often happens when dishonest people convince you to willingly send funds under false pretenses.

Because money moves fast in a wire transfer, it is nearly impossible to get it back.

Banks are required by law to make deposited check funds available within days, but it may take weeks to uncover a fake check.

You are liable if you deposit fraudulent funds into your bank account. If a check you deposit turns out to be a fake, you are responsible for repaying the bank.

Don’t be fooled. Before sending or accepting money, ask yourself these questions.

Do I really know this person?

Is the person a new acquaintance? A new romance? Scammers often use social media, email or phone to target victims. They will do whatever it takes to develop a seemingly real relationship with you, which may include meeting you in person. Be on guard for romance scams.

Is this person claiming to be a family member in trouble?

It’s called a grandparent scam. A criminal pretends to be a relative who needs money, e.g., they’re in trouble, had an accident or need bail money. They ask you to send money fast via gift cards or wire transfer, and beg you not to tell anyone. Always call the person at a known number (not the caller ID number) to confirm their story.

Is this person claiming to be a government agent, police officer or banker investigating a series of fraud cases and needs my help?

Scammers spoof caller ID and email addresses to look as if it is a trusted company or friend calling. Do your research, check the facts and talk to your bank about the transaction before sending money.

Is this person offering a get-rich deal. Am I asked to keep it secret?

Do not pay upfront for a promise to make money fast. Watch out for prize and inheritance scams that require you to pay taxes in advance.

Did this person come to my door or are they offering me an advance-payment service?

“No thanks.” Do not pay for services in advance. This also goes for things like debt relief, loan offers, online purchases or jobs. Watch out for services that require payment through electronic transfer to a home office or to another individual who they claim to be the boss.

Are you feeling pressured to send money?

Be suspicious of urgent money requests. Scammers want you to act fast and use threats and emotional ploys. STOP. Slow down and check the facts. Discuss the transaction with your bank, the police or a friend before sending money.

Protect Yourself: If you feel you are a victim of fraud, call your bank immediately.

Get more security tips at:

RCB Bank Security Center

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Member FDIC.


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Benefits of an escrow account

A home ownership payment manager

How Escrow works

It should be no surprise that as a homeowner you are responsible for expenses beyond your mortgage payment, such as property taxes, homeowner insurance and mortgage insurance, to name a few.

Benefit #1: Escrow is a personal payment manager

An escrow account is a service provided by your lender to help you manage and budget home-related costs. A benefit of an escrow is you make one monthly payment that includes your mortgage principle and interest, plus a percentage of your insurance and tax expenses. Your lender takes care of paying the various bills due throughout the year.

Most lenders require escrow accounts on mortgages greater than 80 percent loan-to-value and are set up at closing.

Benefit #2: Escrow lets you spread out annual costs over time.

Another benefit of an escrow is you don’t have to stress to come up with large lump sum payments.

How escrow works

Your lender adds up your additional home-related costs outside your mortgage payment – taxes, homeowners insurance, mortgage insurance, flood insurance, etc. – They divide the total cost of these payments by 12 (months) and add it to your monthly mortgage payment.

Generally, a cushion of 1/6 of the total escrow charges is collected at loan closing to account for any unexpected increase in premiums when it’s time for the lender to make the yearly payment.

Your escrow account builds with each monthly payment. Funds are withdrawn from your escrow to pay for bills as they are due.

Can your escrow payment change over time? 

Yes, if there are changes in insurance costs and taxes, your escrow payment will also change.

Annually, your lender will review your escrow. The review looks at updated taxes and insurance costs to ensure the amount paid into the account is enough to cover costs. If costs have decreased, due to a change in insurance for example, there may be an overage and you would be issued a refund. If costs have increased, you will be required to make up the shortfall.

There are usually two ways to cover a shortfall.

1. Pay the shortfall in one lump sum.

Your full payment covers the past payments and brings your account to balance. An increase in monthly payments is necessary to cover the increased costs for future payments.

2. Divide and pay the amount over the next 12 payments.

Paying back your shortage over time will increase your monthly payment more than paying a lump sum because you are paying the shortage plus the increase in costs over the next year.

It’s important to understand, if insurance costs and taxes increase, your monthly payment will also increase going forward.

Get$Fit Tip: Shop around for insurance.

If you want to keep your monthly payment as close as possible to what you pay now, an annual check on your homeowner policy or other insurance plans may help. It is your responsibility to review your policy and shop around for the best deal, not your lender.

Make sure your policy is in line with current market rates and has not increased more than a few percentages, which is typical for some insurance companies. It’s always a good idea to comparison shop and request quotes. If you find a better deal, contact your lender to update your escrow account information.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of RCB Bank personnel and meant for generic illustration purposes only. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB. RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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What NOT to do during your mortgage process

Four tips to avoid closing delays

Woman holding hand up

You found your dream home, made an offer and it was accepted. You’re pre-approved for a loan and feeling good. Your mind is now focused on moving. Hold on. A pre-approval is not a loan guarantee. To ensure a smooth mortgage process, avoid these four things during closing.

DO NOT take on new debt.

I realize with a new home comes the desire to purchase new furniture, appliances and sometimes even a shiny new car for the garage. Some stores offer no-money down and zero percent interest credit. It’s tempting to start purchasing.

Taking on new debt may raise your debt ratio (the relationship of income to debt). Banks and mortgage companies weigh this number heavily to determine your credit worthiness. Raising it could cause heartache at the end of your transaction. Loan officers run another credit check a few days before closing to verify no new debt has been obtained.

DO NOT Change Jobs.

The stability of your job and income are essential to your loan approval. Your capability of repayment is ultimately what the lender needs to see. Changing jobs during the purchase process could complicate things. For example, if switching from a W-2 salaried status to a contractor or full commission job would most likely disqualify you (that income typically needs two years of income for calculation). A bank typically needs to see 30 days on the job, at least one pay stub and time to verify employment. Verification of income is sent to the employer to make sure the income matches the paystub and that you are still employed, as well as a verbal verification a day or so before closing.

DO NOT stop paying your bills.

A new home purchase can become expensive when you are out closing costs that aren’t part of your typical monthly obligations. You have additional costs like movers. Even if money gets tight, pay your bills. Remember, loan officers will re-pull credit at the end of the transaction.

DO NOT pack up important papers.

You’re stoked about moving. Maybe you’ve already started packing. Make sure you don’t pack up tax documents, bank statements, paystubs or any other important documents that might be requested by your loan officer. The quicker you can respond to the processing requests of your loan, the quicker it will be approved. Delaying the response can delay closing.

Buying a home is exciting, but until you sign the papers at closing, your mortgage isn’t final. Loan officers issue a pre-qualification based on the documentation you provide. The final approval is issued on documents retrieved between signing the contract and loan closing. The final underwriting decision is made on a final credit review, tax transcripts, verification of employment and verification of deposit, NOT the initial credit, tax returns, paystubs and bank statements.

Loan officers are here to make this process as smooth and as simple as possible. Be open with your loan officer and make sure they completely understand your situation and that one of the above doesn’t become a gotcha moment.

Lenders at RCB Bank are happy to help answer questions even if you are not a customer. Give us a call or visit our online Mortgage Center.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only.  RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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5 C’s every business startup needs to know

How to prepare before you request a business loan

Business couple in front of organic store

Is this the year you have resolved to start your own business?

First, I suggest you get to know four people:

  • A banker
  • A CPA
  • An insurance agent
  • An attorney

Building good relationships with these invaluable resources will help you and your business succeed.

Now, let’s talk about applying for your business loan.

Prepare a solid business plan

Before you apply for a business loan, you need to have a good business plan. A lender’s main concern: are you going to be able to repay the loan?  You need to be clear on how you plan to build and sustain your business.

Understand what lenders look for

When deciding to loan you money, most lenders look at the five C’s of credit.

  1. Credit – Your credit report is a detailed list of your credit history and provides insight on how you manage credit and make payments. Lenders are looking to see if you pay back your creditors.
  2. Capacity – Do you have the means to repay your loan? How much debt do you have compared to how much you earn? Lenders want to know if you can comfortably manage your loan payments.
  3. Character – Character is tough for a lender to assess in the brief time loans are considered. This is where a good-standing relationship with a banker, who is likely to be your lender, is beneficial. They want to know if you are trustworthy. Will you repay your loan? Lenders will review all available information, such as credit reports and public records, to see if you’ve met past obligations or have a history of legal problems.
  4. Conditions – These are economic and other outside circumstances that may affect your ability to repay, like your business industry, the local market and competition to see how your business may fare.
  5. Capital – Do you have some of your own assets invested or a financial base to help you weather changes in the marketplace? Trying to start or sustain a business without any owner investment is considered very risky – what’s to keep you from walking away in hard times? Most lenders want to see some financial investment from the business owner.

Build relationships

While you want to score as high as possible on each of the five C’s, all loans are different and not every borrower will have an A+ rating on each category.  Having high scores on some factors may compensate for less-than-perfect scores on others. The key is to be open and honest with your lender.

If you’re interested in starting a small business, check out local resources available to help, such as:

Our lenders and business services representatives are happy to answer your questions, even if you are not an RCB Bank customer. Connect with a lender and/or business services representative in your area.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only.  RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender.  RCB Bank NMLS #798151. David Goodwin NMLS#449727. Member FDIC.
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Bucket Approach to Investing

Bucket approach to investing

Investing is a tool for building wealth.

Legendary investor Warren Buffett defines investing as “… the process of laying out money now to receive more money in the future.”

The key to successful investing is setting clear-cut goals. Know what you want, the cost to get it and how long you have to save.

We all have different comfort levels when it comes to investing our money. We call this risk tolerance. The concept of risk tolerance refers not only to your level of comfort in taking a risk, but also your financial ability to endure the consequences of loss.

Therefore, when it comes to investing, there is no one- size-fits-all strategy.  When I talk about investing with my clients, I like to use a bucket visualization. Imagine investing as three buckets.

Everyone needs to begin with a foundation – bucket one. This is your readily available cash, including your savings, emergency fund and short-term investments.

Once you have bucket one filled, you are ready to toss money into buckets two and three, your mid-term and long-term goals. The amount you invest in each bucket varies by your time horizon and risk tolerance. Bucket two consists of low-risk investments while bucket three is long-term, higher growth risk investments.

As with any plan, it is important to monitor your portfolio to ensure you stay on track with your goals.

If you plan to work with a financial advisor, make sure they are working for you with your best interest in mind. It’s important that you have an open line of communication with your advisor.

I am here to help answer questions you may have about investing even if you are not an RCB Bank customer. Feel free to contact me, my information is at the bottom of this page.

At RCB Bank Trust, we offer professional recommendations at no cost, no obligation.

We provide a conservative approach to growing and preserving wealth tailored to your individual financial needs. Call one of our wealth advisors today and request your free review.

We offer free portfolio reviews at no cost, no obligation. We’d be happy to take a look at your current portfolio and offer a second opinion to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investments. Connect with a wealth advisor in your area.

The bucket concept was originally created by planning guru Harold Evensky. It is one of many approaches to investing.
Investment products are not a deposit. Not insured by the FDIC or any federal government agency. Not guaranteed by the Bank. Subject to risk and may go down in value.
Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Investment products are not insured by the FDIC. Not a deposit or other obligation of, or guaranteed by the depository institution. Subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. Ask for details.
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7 habits to teach young adults for financial success

Help young adults build wealth not debt

Teen girl removing money from wallet

The habits your kids pick up now will follow them throughout life. Guide them to good money habits with these tips.

Get$Fit Tip #1: Pay yourself first.

Did you know the average college debt for the graduating class of 2016 was $37,000?* Are your kids prepared to manage debt and build wealth at the same time? Do they know the secret to keeping car-buying costs as low as possible? What about how to prepare for unexpected expenses?

Get$Fit Tip #2: Take full advantage of your bank.

Teach your kids about money using our Learning Center, which offers uncomplicated money tips to help  build wealth, reduce debt and make money-smart decisions.

Also, help your kids begin building relationships at their bank and gain an understanding of services and resources available to them. Building a relationship with a banker now will help them in the future when it comes time to borrow money, begin investing and buy their first home.

Get$Fit Tip #3: Comparison shop for everything!

Student loans, college text books, rental properties, auto insurance, clothes – make it a habit to compare prices and look for the best deals. A little effort on your part can save you thousands of dollars.

Get$Fit Tip #4: Learn to budget.

Money flows out faster than it flows in. Building wealth is not about how much money you have, it’s about how you manage the money you have. Learn to live below your means. It’s the only way to build wealth.

Get$Fit Tip #5: Watch your credit score.

Your credit score is a history report on how well you manage your money. Pay bills on time and use credit cards carefully. The alternative is long-term debt and financial hardship.

Get$Fit Tip #6: Needs and wants are not the same thing.

There is never enough money to buy everything you want. Choose wisely. Today’s choices will affect your future financial well-being. Is instant gratification more important than a comfortable lifestyle?

Get$Fit Tip #7: Learn the secret to saving.

The easiest way to build wealth is to set up automatic savings. Have a portion of your wages automatically go into a savings and/or retirement account through payroll direct deposit. Invest in yourself.

* Institute of College Access and Success.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Member FDIC.

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Avoid this car-buying mistake

Tips to help you save money on your next car loan.

Couple in car

The Problem

Buying a car is a major purchase. Budgets are tight. It’s tempting to accept financing based on the lowest monthly payment, but this may prove a costly mistake. Here is why.

Lower monthly payments often mean longer loan terms and higher interest rates. You may be able to obtain 84-month term (7 year) financing and a budget-friendly monthly payment, but you’ll pay more over the life of the loan. You also risk becoming upside down on your loan, owing more money for your car than it is worth.

Don’t be payment-driven. Save up as much as you can and negotiate the sales price down, not the monthly payment.

The Solution

Here are additional tips to help you keep your car buying costs as low as possible.

  1. Know your credit score. More importantly, know the details in your report. Your credit score will determine which loan you will qualify for and the interest rate you’ll pay. Start reducing your current debt now to improve your score and financing options.
  2. Get pre-approved. Know the exact amount you can spend before you start looking (and stay under that number). Start with your financial institution and shop around. A banker can also access car evaluations to improve your bargaining power with the dealership.
  3. Focus on price. Know what the car is worth, not what the dealer tells you it is worth. Do your homework. Check NADA guides. Shop online. Compare dealers. View the car evaluation with your banker. Then go to the dealership and negotiate a fair purchase price for the car, not your loan payment.
  4. Decide needs versus wants. You may want a newer model vehicle but do you want — can you honestly afford — the higher purchase price and possible higher interest rate? It’s a matter of choice. I encourage you to save up as much money as possible before you shop so you have more choices.  With a higher down payment, you can borrow less money. You can choose a higher monthly payment with a lower term, which will save you more money over the life of the loan.

Avoid the payment-driven temptation and start saving up now for your next vehicle. In the meantime, explore your financing options and ask your banker what you can do to improve your credit score.

Final piece of advice: Don’t be afraid to walk off the lot.

Don’t rush your decision and accept the first offer. It’s your money and your life. Be good to yourself.

Our lenders are happy to answer your questions, even if you are not an RCB Bank customer. Connect with a lender in your area.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender, RCB Bank NMLS #798151. Curtis Bales, NMLS #800411.
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How to React to Stock Market Swings

From the opinion of a long-term investor

Business men looking at stock

Recent news about dramatic declines in the Dow Jones have been front and center lately.  While the “Dow” is often first quoted on the news, it is not a particularly good representation of the U.S. stock market.  It is just an index of 30 companies. Also, it is price-weighted, which means the companies with the highest stock price carry the most weight. The five companies that currently carry the greatest weight in the Dow are Boeing, Goldman Sachs, 3M, United Health Group, and Home Depot. However, none of these companies crack the top ten when looking at the largest companies in the U.S. by market capitalization.

Alternatively, the S&P 500 is an index of about 500 companies, making it a much broader barometer of the U.S. stock market.  Moreover, it is market-weighted, so the largest companies by market capitalization carry the greatest weight.

Headline vs. Reality

Headline: On February 5, 2018, the Dow experienced the largest point drop in history.

Reality: On February 5, 2018, the S&P 500 declined 4.10 percent, which ranks as only the 39th worst in the last 40 years.

Why has the stock market declined?

Believe it or not, the recent declines were prompted by good news.

January payroll reports show 200,000 workers were added to U.S. payrolls and, more importantly, average hourly wages increased 2.9 percent from January 2017. This was the highest level of year-over-year wage growth since June 2009. In anticipation of a strong jobs report and a pick-up in wage inflation, bond markets drove yields on the benchmark 10-Year U.S. Treasury bond sharply higher from a closing level of 2.63 percent on Thursday, January 25 to an intraday high of 2.88 percent on Monday, February 6. This sudden rise in market interest rates spooked equity investors in several ways. It could indicate both a faster pace of Fed rate hikes to keep up with inflation and an increase in borrowing costs for U.S. corporations.

What should I do about it?

I don’t get emotional about stock market swings.  Stock market swings are sometimes irrational.  Look to the fundamentals instead.  In my view, nothing has really changed in the last week from a fundamental or economic perspective. We believe the cyclical backdrop for stocks remains positive given synchronized global growth, rising corporate profits and relatively easy monetary conditions compared to history in the U.S. and abroad.

At RCB Bank Trust, we are conservative, long-term investors. 

We don’t try to time the market and we don’t overreact to headlines and short-term volatility. That being said, this is a great time to gut-check your risk tolerance and make sure your asset allocation is right.

We offer free portfolio reviews at no cost, no obligation. We’d be happy to take a look at your current portfolio and offer a second opinion to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investments. Connect with a wealth advisor in your area.

Investment products are not a deposit. Not insured by the FDIC or any federal government agency. Not guaranteed by the Bank. Subject to risk and may go down in value.
Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. This information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Investments mentioned may not be suitable for all investors. The material is general in nature. Past performance may not be indicative of future results.
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Your financial footprint leaves a trace

Feet with scale showing FICO score

By Jocelyn Wood, RCB Bank

Do you know your credit score? A good score matters if you want to want to qualify for lower loan interest rates. It may also improve your chances for lower fees on insurance premiums, like home and auto for example.

It’s important to understand a credit report and a credit score are two different things.

Your credit report is a compilation of credit-related information.

  • Identifying information like name, address, birthdate, Social Security Number.
  • Credit accounts, payment history, current and past loans, etc.
  • Credit inquiries – who has accessed your report within the last couple years.
  • Public records & collections – overdue debt from collection agencies, wage garnishment, liens, foreclosures, etc.

The information in your report provides a story of how well you manage your credit and debt and influences a lender’s decision to loan you money?

Your credit score is a matrix of your credit report – a 3-digit number, ranging from 300-850.

FICO® Scores are most widely used.

I asked Lender Jake Dwyer, AVP at RCB Bank, what is the easiest way to maintain a good financial footprint?

“The biggest influence on your credit score is payment history,” Dwyer said. “A record of ongoing, on-time payments will help your credit. Basically, pay your bills on time and keep your credit card balances low.”

Your credit score is generally calculated based on five factors, revealed in your credit report:

  • Payment history
  • Amounts owed on credit and debt
  • Length of credit history
  • New credit
  • Types of credit used

“Lenders want to know you can afford to make your monthly payments,” Dwyer said. “Owing too much debt, carrying high balances on your credit cards and having too many credit accounts opened at one time are high risk factors. We want to see a long history of you responsibly managing a variety of credit, like student loan, credit card and mortgage.”

He also mentioned your credit score reflects your risk at the time it was pulled. It can change depending on your credit behavior.

“The best way to repair your credit is to pay off your debts,” said Dwyer. “Pay your credit card bill in full each month. Don’t spend what you can’t pay. Lenders want to see responsible money management and self-control.”

The first step to improving your credit is to know what is in your credit report.

Request a copy of your credit report at Federal law allows you one free report annually from each credit reporting agency: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

Ask your lender for tips on how to improve your score, or give Jake Dwyer a call at 918.259.1342.

Source: Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), FICO® Score does not factor in income, length of employment, alimony or child support payment and other things that lenders may consider when determining loan qualification. Having little payment history or only new credit can result in a lower FICO® Score. It is not always from missed payments or maxed-out credit cards. Talk to your lender for details. Learn more about FICO® Score at
Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of Jake Dwyer, AVP, Loans, NMLS #1413664, and meant for generic illustration purposes only. RCB Bank NMLS #798151. Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender.
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Talking Mortgage

Talking Mortgage graphic

Lending officers have their own language. We try not to use unfamiliar jargon when working with customers, but “talking mortgage” is second nature to us. Let me clarify some lingo my customers have called me out on.


Your loan application. Pronounced ten-o-three. This is a uniform document all lenders use as their mortgage application.


Loan-to-value. This is a ratio of what you owe on your home versus what it is worth. In a home purchase transaction, this is also your loan balance versus your purchase price. The industry uses the lower ratio — appraised or purchase price — as the value of the home. Therefore, your purchase LTV may be higher than your actual LTV if your appraisal comes in higher than your purchase price.


Combined loan-to-value. This is like your LTV, but includes the overall loan amount versus the overall value when combining a first and second mortgage.


Debt-to-income ratio. Also known as back-end ratio. A percentage of a consumer’s monthly gross income that goes toward paying debts.

Front-end ratio

Mortgage-to-income ratio. Indicates which portion of an individual’s income is used to make mortgage payments. It is computed by dividing your projected monthly mortgage payment by your monthly gross income. Front-end and back-end ratios are used by lenders to determine how much you can afford to borrow.


Private mortgage insurance. Commonly referred to as MI or mortgage insurance.  This is required on loans for which the buyer makes less than a 20 percent down payment or has less than 20 percent equity on a refinance. This insurance policy protects the lender in case the borrower ends up in foreclosure.


Closing disclosure. A required disclosure given to all borrowers on mortgage loans three days prior to closing. This is a five-page document that details loan terms, payments, fees and other costs.


Loan estimate. This document mirrors the closing disclosure, but is issued at the beginning of the loan application. Since the two documents look alike, it is easy to compare fees, costs and changes from start to finish.

Hazard Insurance

Homeowners insurance.


When it is time to buy or refinance a home, talk to a local lender first. The more you know about the mortgage process, available loan options and your individual qualifications, the more satisfying your homebuying experience is.

Lenders at RCB Bank are happy to help answer questions even if you are not a customer. Give us a call or visit our online Mortgage Center.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of RCB Bank personnel and meant for generic illustration purposes only.  For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
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Homebuying Property Inspection Waiver

What you need to know

Large Home

Appraisals are a necessary part of the homebuying process, and for years, they were required to obtain mortgage financing on all new purchases or refinances.

Now, in some cases, the Federal National Mortgage Association, known as Fannie Mae, may waive an appraisal for eligible transactions.

Not all homes qualify.

In fact, Fannie Mae states that the majority of transactions will not receive a Property Inspection Waiver (PIW), meaning an appraisal is required to establish the market value.

Minimum standards for a PIW include one unit properties at or below 80-percent loan-to-value for principal residences and second homes.
Fannie Mae uses a database of more than 26 million appraisal reports as well as a proprietary analytics system to determine if the current market value of a property is acceptable or should be confirmed. For example, properties located in disaster-impacted areas will require new appraisals.

If your property receives the inspection waiver, you still have a choice to order your own appraisal.

Appraisals are important.

An appraisal verifies the value of the property you are purchasing. It helps you and your lender ensure you are not overpaying based on current market conditions.

A PIW, in my opinion, will best serve refinances. There are limitations for refinances too. Not all will qualify.

Do your homework.

A PIW may shorten your mortgage process by eliminating the need to schedule an appraisal, which will lead to a reduction in loan origination costs.

It’s important to be informed and get all the facts regarding your mortgage financing options.

I can help answer your questions, even if you are not an RCB Bank customer.

Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. For specific questions regarding your personal lending needs, please call RCB Bank at 855-BANK-RCB, RCB Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC. RCB Bank NMLS #798151.
Source: Fannie Mae Property Inspection Waiver Fact Sheet
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Beware of Netflix scam

Share this with everyone you know!

Netflix scam alert

There is a new sophisticated Netflix phishing attack you need to watch out for. They start out very pleasant, saying they have some trouble with your billing info, and pretty please with sugar on top need you to update your payment details. But if you fall for it, they will try to steal your login details, your credit card data, your picture and your ID!

Think Before You Click!

  • Never click on a login link or an account verification link in an email. If there is one, bail.
  • Check for the green HTTPS padlock. If there isn’t one, bail.
  • If there is a padlock, check the name of the site. If it’s not exactly what you expect, bail.
  • Don’t ignore telltales such as spelling and grammar errors. If it looks wrong, bail.
  • Guard your ID closely. If you’re asked for a selfie or ID when it isn’t absolutely necessary, bail.


Let’s take a closer look.

(Note the simple trick, right there in the subject line, of not spelling out the brand-theft text “Netflix” exactly: the crooks wrote the X as the Greek letter chi, so that Netflix came out as Netfli?.)

Next, you wind up here and that’s where they steal your credentials. But wait, there’s more…

Next, they steal your credit card data:

And trying to keep you on the hook, they throw in a Verfied by VISA page:

Then to add insult to injury, they make you confirm your identity by taking a selfie holding your identity card. Yikes!

An Apple scam is also going around.

Watch out for emails from Apple stating “someone has logged into your Apple ID from an unknown device.” It’s not real.

Stop. Look. Think. Don’t be fooled.

Information provided by Stu Sjouwerman, Founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc. Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
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