As tax season kicks into high gear, scammers are looking to take advantage. Scammers will make aggressive phone calls posing as IRS agents, hoping to steal money or information from victims.
Scammers will demand immediate payment for tax bills, regardless of whether you owe taxes or not. And if you give the scammers personal information, that can lead to identity theft, which in turn could lead to the scammer filing tax returns in your name and stealing your tax refund – in addition to other negative financial effects.
“With filing season underway, this is a prime period for identity thieves to hit people with realistic-looking emails and texts about their tax returns and refunds,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said. “Watching out for these common scams can keep people from becoming victims of identity theft and protect their sensitive personal information that can be used to file tax returns and steal refunds.”
Be on high alert if you receive a call, text or email asking to disclose your personal information. Don’t click on any links if you receive an email, and don’t respond to any texts.
If you receive one of these calls, hang up immediately. You can report any email you receive and report the phone number from which you received a suspicious call or text by emailing the IRS at [email protected].
To ensure you stay safe this tax season, remember that the IRS will NEVER:
- Demand immediate payment using a specific method, such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer.
- Threaten to immediately bring in law enforcement groups and arrest you for not paying.
- Demand that your taxes be paid without giving you an opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed.
- Call unexpectedly about a tax refund.
- Initiate taxpayer communications through email – ever.
Stay alert and safe this tax season, and remember the deadline to file your taxes is Monday, April 18, 2022.
Opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the author and meant for generic illustration purposes only. RCB Bank, Member FDIC.